
March 2020 Newsletter

Apr 01, 2020

PeopleSource - Accounting & Finance Recruitment

Newsletter – March 2020

Wow! What a rollercoaster March has been – Reeling in the years 2020 won’t be stuck for headlines and footage. We don’t want to speak too much about COVID-19 but we hope everybody is staying safe and keep up the fantastic effort by the country. This month we want to bring you positive news, I think it’s something we can all do with.

Working from home can have its advantages, for a start, it cuts out commuting time, secondly most meetings start on time, which is novel for many teams and thirdly if you use ‘Zoom’ free video conferencing, it limits meetings to 40 minutes!  In a previous Tipping Points survey (available on our website –, unnecessary meetings were a big bug bear for employees, along with most people losing interest after 30 mins! In times like this we take the positives where we can!

However, if your hours have been temporarily cut, you could be painting your living room, completing an online yoga class or updating your LinkedIn profile it’s important to use this time well!  Don’t forget this is ‘Pause’ not a ‘Full Stop’, so we highly recommend not taking your eye off the ball and maximise this time where possible! If you’re curious about taking the next step in your career, why not update your CV, upskill yourself with an online course or speak to a recruiter to see how they can help. We have a good ‘Career Toolbox’ on our website which should start you on your way:

In the news…

Well, has there been anything else but COVID-19?  In short, no, but there have been stories of amazing human kindness, resilience and caring!  

Within three days of its launch, 50,000 people contacted the HSE in response to their 'On Call for Ireland' campaign.

Feed the Heroes launched a week ago, it has raised over €400,000 via a GoFundMe page - – they have served over 10,000 meals to front line staff and kept a lot of food services companies in business.  Super impressive.

Lockdown in Italy brought the people onto their balconies to sing, Spain has done something similar, in Ireland someone set up a Bingo night!  Community spirit is truly alive and well -

In Sport…

What Sport, you might ask!  Euro 2020 football tournament & the Olympics have been moved to summer 2021 creating havoc with local economies. I was due to run the Prague Marathon in May and it has been cancelled – to be honest I was more relieved than upset! But isn’t it great to see people out and about (at a respectable social distance) walking/running getting those endorphins flowing? Let’s hope this will have a long-term positive effect on fitness habits.

Have you watched ‘Hell Week’ on RTE?  I loved it and definitely feel it’s worth a watch!  In a clunky segue…sport means discipline, structure, physical and mental exercise and this is something I feel can help us through this. With much more time on my hands, I’ve put together my own set of goals to complete by the end of this pandemic – all of which are free.

  1. 10,000 steps per day
  2. Beat my personal best timing for a 5km run  
  3. Complete an online fitness coaching class
  4. Complete Pat Divilly’s 14-day group coaching -

By doing these, you’re obtaining new skills and getting fitter – a win/win! It would be great to hear if you’ve any goals set for yourself over the coming weeks.

#createdontcontaminate has been a fantastic online campaign to show how to keep fit without the usual paraphernalia, from creating obstacle courses for the kids to getting stuck into gardening, this is time some of us have not had before, so reflect and make the most of it.  A very creative young boy from Kildare went viral after his goalkeeping drill attracted some attention from current Man United goalkeeper David De Gea –

In other topics…

How are you coping with working from home? At PeopleSource, we have always had the benefit of working 1-2 days per week from home so here’s some tips that may help you be more productive.

  1. Maintain structure to your day – work regular hours, have a start & finish time, otherwise the lines blur between work and home life
  2. Give yourself breaks – on your breaks try go for a walk or do something active, move away from your workspace
  3. Office space – this is important! Set up a desk/workspace (difficult with a full house we know!) but psychologically if you can ‘walk away from the office’ at the end of the day it prevents your home becoming your work 24/7, which is zero fun
  4. Interact with colleagues – pick up the phone and check-in with colleagues, swap information, ‘knowledge transfer’ is one of a drawbacks when working from home, but this can be avoided if regular vocal comms take place
  5. Take advantage of the benefits of working from home – that’s the whole point – work/life balance!   Stick on a wash, let the plumber in (maybe put that one off for now), go for a run, sit in your yard/garden/field during your breaks

Last month we were really ahead of our time, when we asked “Having paying for your trip in full, would you go on your ski holiday to Northern Italy next week?”

The results showed most people were already aware of COVID-19’s potential impact.  70% voted that they would not have travelled to Northern Italy even if it the holiday was paid in full. 30% that said ‘Yes’ – along with comments ranging from ‘it’s scare mongering’ to ‘over reaction’. I wonder if we were to re-run this poll would the vote be different? 

Congratulations to Catherine Ennis who is our winner of the monthly €100 One4All voucher – We’ll be in touch!

Question this month is

“What are you missing most about your old ‘normal life’?”

Enter here to be in with a chance to win this month’s prize this month’s prize of a €100 One4all voucher.

That’s it for this month but we would like to say thank you to everyone who reads, responds and reacts to this monthly newsletter.  It’s been going for almost five years and the feedback has been flattering, encouraging and everything in between!

If you would like more regular updates follow our LinkedIn company page -


We are here to help and offer you the best advise possible; things may get tough over the forthcoming months so don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Finally – if you refer a friend to PeopleSource and we place them (there are few T&C’s but nothing too onerous) you will be given a €250 gift voucher! Not bad for helping a friend! 

Have a great Easter in the meantime!

M:086 781 4704



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