
April 2024 Newsletter

Apr 29, 2024

Oooh, the temperature is rising, and summer is within touching distance. Let’s hope this is the month we power-hose the patio and get the BBQ out! Before that, let’s recap on April, a lot has happened! First up we have a new Taoiseach – Simon Harris – our youngest yet, but isn’t age just a number? Not according to our poll where 88% of respondents feel the current qualifying age for the role of Taoiseach at 21 should be increased. Mind you, if a 10 year old can climb Mt Kilimanjaro, it seems one or two would be ready to run the country at 21!  
It’ll be very interesting to see how the current three-party Government will stand up to the scrutiny of an election.  Expect lots of initiatives, especially in housing!  Mr Harris has hit the ground running and seems pretty determined.
Chartered Accountants Ireland have had another big announcement this month, nominating five candidates, one of whom will be representing Ireland at the One Young World Summit in Montreal later this year! Good luck to you all from PeopleSource.
Not to be outdone – check out the details of the CIMA Gala Dinner taking place in Croker on Friday 26th April (you should get this newsletter just in time) – check out who is sponsoring the drinks reception!! If you bump into Rachel Tubridy come up and say hello! 


Business outlook…

Good news for the economy, according to a recent survey by Capital Credit Union.  Significant uptake in consumers borrowing for cars, holidays and home improvements in 2024.

The National Youth Council had a report out this month which might be of interest: today’s young adults (18-29) believe they are worse off than their parents’ generation.  Check out the findings here. This seems to be the counter of the Credit Union survey!
We wouldn’t normally feature a US survey but this Grant Thornton CFO Survey is interesting in global terms with overwhelming positivity from the CFO community. 71% of respondents are bullish about growth prospects in the coming 12 months.  Given Ireland’s relationship with the USA and how much of our FDI comes from Stateside, let’s hope the CFOs are right!


Break time…once you’ve watched the five ACA Star nomination videos, have a browse through these over your herbal tea!

- If you are looking for a great podcast with fab book recommendations, sign up/follow/subscribe to this brand new show - launched this month with Eason’s, you’ll find out lots about authors and their favourite books.  Available on all podcast outlets! 
- Bored of the day job?  Why not take up a hobby that makes you money?
- Who else runs out of meal ideas?  We certainly do.  Here are 100 ideas for ‘meals under 30 mins’
- Booking a holiday? Try these Destination Dupes!  
- A date for your diary – 16th May – The Real Deal Event – the Who’s Who of Irish business always turns up!
- Image Business Women of the Year – Shortlist here – we know quite a few on the list this year, good luck to all those shortlisted

These ones are for those of you with young families…

- Check out this brilliant article and info graph on creche fees around the country - find out here
- The topic of children and summer, No matter where you are – there’s a GAA Cul Camp for you little 'uns or if your kids are less sporty – find your nearest Irish Dancing school
- Best Netflix shows for kids right now - what to download for the plane trip maybe
- Family days out – check out these 40+ family fun days out around Ireland



We’ve shamelessly lifted this month’s infographic from the LinkedIn pages of Dan Wells. We don’t know him, but we like his content.  For really relevant industry and career information, we’re highlighting Dan among these three LinkedIn accounts you should be following;


Hot topic of the month…

This year so far, our ‘Hot Topic’ has stayed close to home, discussing all matters recruitment, particularly in the field of senior level positions.  Well, this month, we are going to continue in that vein, discussing the ‘consultative discussion’.  “Why?” I hear you ask.  Well, in response to our recent articles Rachel Tubridy was approached by a number of our readers who wanted to discuss their current positions and review their options.
Interestingly, none of those who got in touch had any particular idea what they wanted to do next in their career.  Also, no two conversations were the same. Following their chats and, in some cases, meetings, some realised that staying put for now was the best thing for them.  Others have begun job searching but with a clear idea of what they want next.  And, and yes, we are blowing our own trumpet here, a couple have already found their next role through PeopleSource. If you didn’t feel well, you’d talk to a medical professional; if you are unsure about your career, talk to a recruitment professional! Contact Rachel Tubridy on 086 662 9674 or email


Entertainment news…

Is there anything left to say about Taylor Swift!? She continues to defy critics and nay-sayers and has just smashed all (her own) records with the release of her latest album, The Tortured Poets Department which was streamed 300 million (count them…) times on the FIRST DAY! The girl can do no wrong. A testament to her loyal fans, although a sad reflection of our times, is that when one outlet published a critical review, they had to do so anonymously for fear of threats against the staff. It’s a mad world.
The Spice Girls reunited in London recently, but only for Posh Spice’s 50th birthday.  I bet a lot of our readers are asking themselves “who are the Spice Girls?”  while others are only dreaming of a reunion.   Big shout-out now to all our Sci-fi fans, especially the Star Wars aficionados who are eagerly getting ready for their big day – May the Fourth Be With You!
We’ll finish with a movie recommendation, one that has everything. Based on a book by John McGahern, check; Irish movie, check; a story about people with no flashy effects, check!  Get along to see That They May Face The Rising Sun for a wonderful bit of 1980’s rural Ireland nostalgia.  How times have changed.  Who is the better off generation?


Sports roundup…

We have featured a number of big stories about ladies thus far in this edition, and let’s start our sports review with another as we doff our caps to Nelly Korda, who this week set an amazing record by winning her 5th LPGA golf tournament in a row; some achievement!
In the footy, the Premiership race remains too close to call between Liverpool, City and Arsenal while Spurs and Villa battle it out for the all-important 4th place.  Mind you, no UK teams are left in Europe after a very disappointing April (unless you count Villa in the Europa Conference!).  It’s a Manchester derby for the FA cup final after a ‘big toe’ offside decision against poor old Coventry City.  At home ‘Duffers’ Shelbourne are clinging to the top of the LoI but have started dropping points after an initially impressive start to the season.
Leinster have once again looked unstoppable this year.  However, in recent years their luck always seems to run out in the final, let’s hope for better luck this year.  Either way, it’ll be quite an occasion when Croker welcomes back rugby to GAA HQ when Leinster take on Northampton in the Champions Cup semi-final.  The tickets sold out on the first day of general release.  Taylor Swift, Garth Brooks and…..Leinster!

Is your next role here?

Regular readers will know that we feature this little section every month.  We ask if you are considering a move, or know somebody who might be.  Why?  Well, the simple reason is that every month somebody has reached that moment of realisation that it could be time to move on, move up, or move away!  Perhaps this month, it’s you!  Or perhaps, seeing one of our featured roles might just get you thinking. Contact Rachel Tubridy on 086 662 9674 or email



Competition time…

Each month we ask our readers to answer a question for a chance to win €100 One4all voucher.
Our question for the March newsletter was:

Simon Harris will be our youngest every Taoiseach at 37. The qualifying ages is 21. Should the qualifying age for the role of Taoiseach be older than 21? 

88% - Yes
12% - No
And the winner of our €100 voucher is – Conor Joyce – we’ll be in touch!

Our question for the April newsletter is:

Do you leave voice messages anymore?

The winner will be chosen at random and will receive a €100 One4All voucher. Enter here to be in with a chance to win.

PeopleSource is a specialist finance & accounting recruitment firm.

If you would like regular updates follow our LinkedIn company page.
PeopleSource is a specialist finance & accounting recruitment firm based in Dublin.

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